Urgent Care

Emergency Foot & Ankle care in Thousand Oaks, California

Sometimes people need an emergent option to see a podiatrist right away for foot and ankle problems such as an ankle sprain, diabetic foot injury, or foot puncture wound. In these non-life threatening but urgent instances, those people can come to the Apex Foot & Ankle Institute and see an emergency and urgent podiatrist with Dr. Ryan M. Sherick.

At the Apex Foot and Ankle Institute, Dr. Ryan M. Sherick, and his team offer comprehensive urgent care or emergency services for all foot and ankle injuries, including podiatry surgery.

Call our office as soon as possible, and often same-day appointments are available! We serve patients from Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Agoura Hills, Malibu, Calabasas, West Hills, Chatsworth, and the entire Conejo Valley, Santa Rosa Valley, San Fernando Valley and greater Los Angeles area

Timely Treatment for Emergent Foot Injuries in Thousand Oaks, California

At Apex Foot & Ankle Institute, we gladly offer a variety of treatment options for urgent foot and ankle injuries. If you have hurt your foot and need the assistance of a foot & ankle specialist, we are the ideal solution. We treat foot injuries and ankle in our well-equipped, state-of-the-art practice amenable to also providing timely foot or ankle urgent care , often in 60 minutes or less.

We have the capability to fully diagnose a variety of different foot injuries and then recommend the most appropriate course of treatment, all under one roof. Whether you need a couple of stitches, casting, or surgery, we are able to care for you in a timely basis. Our team is equipped to address countless different foot and ankle emergent situations. To learn more, contact us today or stop by our conveniently located office in Thousand Oaks, California.

Here are a few examples of the types of foot injuries we can treat
Ankle sprains
Muscle strains , Tendon Rupture such as Achilles Tendon Rupture or Tears
Cuts, bruises, and burns
Toe injuries
Plantar fasciitis
Broken bones
Diabetic foot infections or wound infection of the foot
Heel spurs

When do I need urgent care for a foot or ankle injury?

Injuries to your feet and ankles vary in severity, and can occur at anytime. Minor scrapes and scratches may not need medical attention beyond basic first aid. However, many types of foot and ankle injuries may leave you wondering if you should seek medical care or wait to see if you would benefit from expert medical care within 24 hours of the injury. Often times receiving specialist care is preferred to avoid unwanted delays in your care or risk of exacerbating a current injury leading to worse outcomes.

Types of urgent foot and ankle-related injuries that may occur include the following:

Ankle strains and sprains. Ankle instability or swelling
Long or deep cuts on your feet or ankles with or without a retained foreign body
Signs of infection like redness or pus or development of a foot or ankle wound
Bone fractures of the foot and ankle, especially if you see protruding bone or extensive bruising of the foot and ankle.
Calf strain or muscle strains to the lower extremity, ankle, or foot
Foot and ankle tendon injuries such as Achilles Tendon Rupture

You should also seek urgent foot and ankle care if you have unexplained severe foot pain or swelling that doesn’t improve after a few days of at-home care regardless of whether you have experienced a specific injury that you can recall or not.

If you have diabetes, injuries to your feet are more likely to result in serious complications, so you should routinely seek professional diabetic foot care.

How can urgent care help with
foot and ankle injuries?

When you have an urgent foot injury or ankle injury, getting care within 24 hours is essential to avoid major complications or lasting mobility issues. The experienced staff at Apex Foot and Ankle Institute can get you in to see a specialist for urgent care right away.

Urgent care treatment for foot and ankle injuries may include physical examination, X-rays and other medical imaging, first aid, and other forms of treatment including:
Wound care and cleaning
Splinting and bracing
Casting or immobilization for fractures
Medications such as antibiotics for infections
Urgent Foot and Ankle Surgery with Dr. Ryan M. Sherick if warranted.

You may also need prescription medications to control pain or inflammation, which urgent care treatment through Apex Foot and Ankle Institute can provide.

We provide on site x-ray that is designed specifically for foot and ankle. This will avoid re-taking an x-ray done improperly at an ER or standard Urgent Care.
Our clinics will be able to provide you with the correct casting or bracing  needed for your foot or ankle injury.
We can provide immediate treatment for all infections including any needed procedure and or antibiotic.
We can repair or correct all lacerations, wounds or cuts of the foot and ankle.

Should I go to urgent care or the ER for my foot or ankle injury?

Urgent care treatment gets you seen by a doctor immediately after a foot or ankle injury. Urgent care at Apex Foot and Ankle Institute is well-equipped to handle a variety of injuries, but some cases may require a hospital visit. 

If you have severe swelling, a wound oozing pus, or a fever over 100° F, seek emergency care at your nearest hospital. You should also head to the ER if you can’t put weight on the affected foot.

For podiatry urgent care, contact Apex Foot and Ankle Institute online or over the phone today by calling (805) 904- 0476.

Dr. Ryan Sherick is a Fellowship-trained Foot & Ankle Surgeon with high-volume urgent care experience for injuries involving the lower extremity, foot and ankle who is proudly providing urgent and emergent foot and ankle care to the following areas: Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Agoura Hills, Malibu, Calabasas, West Hills, Chatsworth, and the entire Conejo Valley, Santa Rosa Valley, and greater Los Angeles area.

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